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6 Pinterest board ideas to grow engagement

20 September 2022

Pinterest is a great tool for businesses to utilize.It is a great way to get your content out there and to start to increase your engagement. A Pinterest board is a collection where users save, store and collect specific pins. Boards are a great way to help you gain pins from active users which you can potentially generate more traffic and engagement for your brand! The great thing about this platform is that the pins that you create stay on your board forever and are searchable, continuously generating engagement and growing awareness for your brand. If you’re still getting to grips with using Pinterest, let us help you get started with bringing your content together in the form of boards!
Here are some ideas for Pinterest boards to get you started!
1.Seasonal content – Depending on what type of business you have, it may be beneficial to create seasonal boards which will peak viewers’ interest by showing them a selection of images that is relevant to the specific time. For example, if you were to own a nail business or even a fashion line, in the winter, you could start pinning winter-themed, festive imagery that reflects that month. This method can be replicated for the rest of the seasons but also for events like Halloween, Jubilee, or even Valentine’s Day!
2.Branded imagery from your business – If you have a selection of imagery from your business from any company photoshoots, client/past work imagery, or even product photos, it would be a great idea to create a board for those! This way your followers can see your brand-specific content.
3.Design inspiration – Whatever your business niche is, it would be a great idea to create an inspiration folder where you save content from other users as well as upload your own original imagery. Repinning others’ content will help boots your overall engagement!
4.Celebrities/influencers who are interacting with your business/product – If you collaborate frequently with influencers or celebrities, a great way to show this to your followers is by creating a board specifically for this! This is a great step to do if you work with any renowned names. Be sure to tag the influencer’s name for a chance to increase your reach!
5.Quotes and words of wisdom – Inspirational quotes and relatable meme-style posts are always a loved piece of content on Pinterest. If you can relate the quote or meme to your specific niche you can create some original content that will be likely to get pinned. As well as this you can look for existing content to add to the board.
6.Create a board including advice and how-to’s – This type of content does really well on Pinterest as people like watching or seeing educational content that they can gain from. For this, you could create some original content on how the individual can interact with your product and you can also repin any relevant existing content that you see!

We wish you all the very best of luck with creating your Pinterest boards. We hope that this article has helped you to get started! If you have any questions or would like us to go into more detail on a certain topic, please feel free to contact us and let us know!

Which of your Pinterest boards gets the most engagement? Let us know in the comments below!

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